Just as he had the good fortune to work on “sustainable development” before the term gained popularity, Dan worked on issues that are now part of the “resilience” agenda and the “circular economy” long before these terms were in widespread use. In 1993, he was part of the team that moved the towns of Pattonsburg, Missouri and Valmeyer, Illinois from frequent floodwaters. He was also part of a team that worked on the post-Katrina response in Mississippi and helped write a post-disaster zoning code and comprehensive plan for one of the small Mississippi coastal communities. He also worked on redevelopment of a flood-damaged New Orleans neighborhood.
Dan was a board member for Eco-Industrial Development Council and helped to create “ecoplexes” and eco-industrial parks in three states. He was a board member of the Resilient Design Institute and Resilient Virginia. He was associated with several organizations working on issues relating to resilience, including serving on the boards of Greening America, Greenroofs for Healthy Cities, Tricycle Gardens (urban agriculture), Rice Center for Environmental Life Sciences (big river ecology) and Bioregional North American (One Planet Living).
Dan was counsel for EcoDistricts from 2013 until it closed in 2021, and worked with emerging ecodistricts around the country.